Shared mobility, or Linkable mobility?
Laura, a recently graduated lawyer, works for a law firm, in Milan. Alike many urban professionals, she makes extensive use of shared micro mobility. But, is that what she really dreams of to move from one client to another?
I have always thought that electric scooters offer an interesting solution to the issue of urban mobility. Today the concept of “scooter-sharing” is strongly diffused in many European cities. As a lawyer, I often use this type of service to move from one point to another in short time and with greater flexibility and less environmental impact than with public transportation. However, I have to say that among all the e-scooters I’ve seen in circulation, so far none has fully convinced me. I find that the rental models suffer of the exposure to careless users, thus they are mostly not reliable.
How many times I have had to jump on a taxi at the last minute, because the batteries of my shared e-scooter were dead! Most of the times, shared vehicles are so dirty I risk to get to my next client with my clothes covered with greasy stains and they are neither particularly nice to look at nor very efficient from an energy point of view. In my opinion, the ideal e-scooter should be convenient, i.e. compact and transportable, therefore light and easy-handling; then safe and environmentally friendly. And, since I am Italian, I would love them to be stylish and cool.
Convenience and exterior appearance particularly struck me when I saw Linkable products for the first time. I thought: at last, a line that stands out from the competition’s, has a very attractive and innovative design and at the same time is lightweight and extremely portable. Especially the feature that allows you to fold the scooter can reduce the obstruction to the size of a briefcase and makes me think how easy it would be to transport such object in the car, on a train or even on a plane.
Personally, I would love to use vehicles like these for my daily commute between home, clients and study, but also to visit other cities when on vacation. Not only would I be able to save a lot of time, unbound by the departure times of buses, trains, etc. but I would limit, up to totally eliminating, the problem of parking in a city center and the risks of theft and vandalism. I also believe that this type of mobility has a strong potential to reduce the impact on the environment. As a result of the lack of care they suffer, vehicles intended for sharing purposes live a short life, whereas the customer would value high-quality products, such as the ones from Linkable, in a much better way and a enjoy more sustainable fruition and exploitation.
Finally, I find that Linkable product honours the Made-in-Italy brand, as it preserves all the Italian genius and creativity, so someone like me would use it with great pride.
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